How to Fix Bootstrap Not Working or Loading in Angular?

How to Fix Bootstrap Not Working or Loading in Angular?

Are you feeling frustrated after spending hours trying to integrate Bootstrap with your Angular project, only to find that it’s not working or loading the framework correctly as you might expect? 😠 Don’t give up just yet – there are solutions to help you get Bootstrap up and running in your Angular application. ⚙️

Bootstrap is a powerful front-end web development framework that makes creating responsive, modern websites and applications easy. You can create sleek and user-friendly interfaces when combined with Angular, a JavaScript framework for complex web applications.

How To Fix Bootstrap Not Working Or Loading In Angular?

However, integrating Bootstrap with Angular can sometimes take time, and you may encounter issues!

In this article, we’ll walk you through the common reasons why Bootstrap may not work or load in Angular and provide solutions to help you get your project back on track. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this article will provide the tools and knowledge to help you fix Bootstrap issues and create beautiful and functional web applications.

What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a free, open-source front-end web development framework. It is designed to help developers create websites and web applications faster. It is a comprehensive collection of HTML and CSS-based design templates for styling projects. In addition, it includes templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components, which helps make the user interface responsive and interactive.

What is Angular?

Next, Angular is another robust development platform for developing scalable web applications. It is built on TypeScript and contains a component-based framework comprising structured and well-integrated libraries and a suite of developer tools that helps to speed up your project.

It makes it easier to create complex applications with fewer lines of code. The libraries cover a wide range of features, such as routing, forms management, client-server communication, and more. This makes integrating different features into an application easy without writing code for each one.

Why Do You Want to Use Bootstrap With Angular?

Angular and Bootstrap are often used together because they can create powerful, dynamic web applications. Angular provides a robust framework for building single-page applications, while Bootstrap is a comprehensive UI library that helps developers quickly and easily create responsive designs.

Combining the two technologies allows developers to take advantage of the best aspects of each, resulting in apps that are both functional and visually appealing.

Common Reasons Why Bootstrap May Not Work In Angular

Why Bootstrap May Not Work In Angular

Although Bootstrap can assist you in creating sleek, modern, and user-friendly interfaces for your Angular application, getting Bootstrap to work perfectly with Angular can sometimes be difficult. One common issue developers encounter is that it needs to load or work properly in their Angular project.

Let us look at some of the most common reasons Bootstrap may not work or load in Angular:

1. Incorrect File Paths

Incorrect file paths are one of the most common causes of Bootstrap not working in Angular. First, check that you’ve imported all necessary Bootstrap files into your project, including the CSS and JavaScript files.

Next, examine your file paths carefully to ensure all relative paths are correct and the files are in the appropriate and correct folders. This step will allow Angular to access Bootstrap and load it into the project.

2. Missing Dependencies

You might need some essential dependencies, another frequent cause of Bootstrap not working with Angular. Ensure all necessary dependencies, such as jQuery and Popper.js, have been installed for Bootstrap to work properly.

We can think of functions for which the dependencies mentioned above are responsible! For example, tooltips, popovers, dropdowns, and any other contextual elements that should appear close to a button or something similar is placed using Popper.js. As a result, it’s crucial to include the peer dependencies jQuery and popper.js in your package. json to make things work smoothly.

3. Conflicts With Other Scripts Or Styles

Bootstrap does not work in Angular if your project has conflicts with other scripts or styles. Check for any conflicting scripts or styles that may interfere with Bootstrap, and ensure you have correctly ordered your scripts and styles to prevent any conflicts.

An example of conflict with other scripts, which will result in an error, could be when a non-Angular script is loaded as part of the page. If the script uses the same variable names as Bootstrap, this can cause a conflict and result in errors. For example, if a jQuery script is used to manipulate the DOM and uses the same variable name as Bootstrap, this could lead to an error within the Angular project.

4. Compatibility Issues

To use Bootstrap within an Angular application, the versions of both frameworks must be compatible. If incompatible versions of Bootstrap and Angular are used, there will be conflicts in the underlying code which can cause errors.

For instance, if you use Bootstrap 4 with Angular 5, an incompatibility issue will occur as Bootstrap 4 requires using RxJS 6, which is unavailable in Angular 5. In this case, either upgrading to Angular 6 or using an older version of Bootstrap would solve the issue.

Understanding the common reasons why Bootstrap may not work in Angular allows you to troubleshoot and address issues, ensuring that your Angular project runs smoothly with Bootstrap.

Angular project runs smoothly with Bootstrap.

4 Fixes for Bootstrap Not Working or Loading in Angular

Now that we have discussed potential causes of Bootstrap not loading or working properly in Angular, let us discuss possible solutions to avoid or solve these issues.

Solution 1: Make Sure You Have Installed Bootstrap

The first step to get Bootstrap running in your Angular project is to install it using npm. Then, you can write npm install bootstrap in your terminal to install Bootstrap.

Next, import it into your Angular project by adding “styles” to styles.scss and “scripts” to the angular.json file.

"styles": [

"scripts": [

If this still does not solve the issue, you may need to install Bootstrap and JQuery using npm. You can write and run npm install bootstrap jQuery in the terminal for this.

Solution 2: Check For Errors In The Console

When Bootstrap is not working in an Angular application, the browser’s developer console can be a great resource for identifying potential issues. The console can provide information on errors related to Bootstrap, such as missing files or syntax errors in the code. If any of these are found, they should be fixed immediately.

Additionally, looking into the console can help identify conflicts with other scripts or libraries that might be causing the issue. Solutions can often be found in online forums or documentation for these conflicts. Common errors to look out for include 404 errors (indicating a missing file or incorrect file path), syntax errors, and script/library conflicts.

By looking into the browser’s developer console and addressing any issues found, it is often possible to get Bootstrap working correctly in an Angular application again.

Solution 3: Check For Conflicts With Other Scripts Or Styles

Ensuring no conflicts with other scripts or styles in your project is important when working with Bootstrap. Conflicts can prevent Bootstrap from functioning correctly or cause unexpected results. To identify if any other scripts or styles interfere with Bootstrap, try disabling them individually. It will help you pinpoint the conflict’s source and identify which script or style needs to be removed or adjusted for Bootstrap to work properly.

Conflicts between scripts and styles can happen for a variety of reasons. For example, two scripts reference the same element in a web page, or a particular style overrides the styling of an element that Bootstrap is also styling. Whatever the cause, resolving conflicts between scripts and styles requires careful analysis and attention to detail, as discussed above.

Solution 4: Include And Check For All Dependencies

Next, ensure that all the necessary Bootstrap components are properly included in your Angular project. This includes linking the CSS and JavaScript files and any jQuery plugins you use. If any of these components are missing, make sure to add them in.

We have discussed installing ‘jQuery’ and including it in angular.json above. Based on your requirements, another dependency is ‘popper.js’. To include popper.js, you can write the following line of code in your terminal,

npm install popper.js

Once installed, then you need to add the following script .

"styles": [

"scripts": [

Once you’ve ensured all components are properly included, it’s important to check that your browser has loaded them correctly. You can do this by opening up the developer tools on your browser and examining the sources tab. If any components haven’t been loaded correctly, you must fix this before continuing.


Bootstrap can be incredibly useful when building modern web applications with Angular. However, integrating Bootstrap with Angular can sometimes take time, and you may encounter issues.

To tackle any issues you may face, understanding the common reasons why Bootstrap may not work or load in Angular is key. We have discussed some of the most common causes of Bootstrap not working in Angular.

Next, we have provided solutions to help you get your project back on track. By following these steps and troubleshooting any issues, you can ensure your Angular application runs smoothly with Bootstrap.😀

Now seamlessly integrate both Bootstrap with Angular to create impressive web apps! 🎉

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