How to Fix “ReferenceError: Variable Is Not Defined” in JavaScript?

How To Fix ReferenceError: Variable Is Not Defined in JavaScript? - GuidingCode

Encountering the “ReferenceError: Variable is not defined” error is a very common error you can encounter while developing in JavaScript. One of the most common reasons this happens is when you are trying to use a variable that is not declared or defined in your code.

JavaScript is a powerful programming language for creating dynamic and interactive web pages. Unfortunately, one of the most common error messages you may encounter when working with JavaScript code is “ReferenceError: Variable is not defined.” This error can be frustrating, especially when unsure of what’s causing it.

"ReferenceError: Variable Is Not Defined" in JavaScript


This guide will explore why you might encounter this error message and how to fix it.



4 Fixes for the “ReferenceError: Variable Is Not Defined” Error in JavaScript

1. Typo or Incorrect Spelling

One of the most common reasons for this error is a typo or misspelling in your code. For example, if you declare a variable called myVariable but then try to access it as myVariablee, you’ll get a “ReferenceError: Variable is not defined” error.

Developers often encounter these errors due to inconsistencies in variable naming conventions or misspellings in their code. Double-checking spelling and ensuring consistency in naming conventions can help prevent these errors. You can easily fix this error by ensuring that when you are typing, you double-check what variable you mean to use, what spelling you have used previously, and the naming convention.

Here’s an example of how this can happen:

let myVariable = "Hello, World!"; 
console.log(myVariablee); // Throws a "ReferenceError:



2. Variable Scope

Before we dive into scoping, let’s first review what JavaScript variables are and how they work.

First review what JavaScript variables are and how they work


In JavaScript, a variable is a container that holds a value. Variables such as strings, numbers, and booleans can hold different values. Here’s an example of how to declare a variable in JavaScript:

let myVariable = "Hello, World!";


In this example, we’re declaring a variable called myVariable and assigning it the value of “Hello, World!” The let keyword is used to declare a variable in JavaScript.

Variables in JavaScript have different scopes, which determine where they can be accessed in your code. There are three types of scopes in JavaScript:

  1. Global scope: Global scope refers to variables declared outside of any function or block that can be accessed from any place in your code.
  2. Local scope: Local scope refers to the fact that variables declared inside a function can only be accessed from within that function.
  3. Block scope: Block scope refers to variables declared inside a block (such as an if statement or loop) that can only be accessed from within that block.

Here’s an example of how variable scope works in JavaScript:

let globalVariable = "I'm a global variable!"; 

function myFunction() { 
let localVariable = "I'm a local variable!"; 
console.log(globalVariable); // Outputs "I'm a global variable!" 
console.log(localVariable); // Outputs "I'm a local variable!" 

console.log(globalVariable); // Outputs "I'm a global variable!" 
console.log(localVariable); // Throws a "ReferenceError: localVariable is not defined" error


In this example, the myFunction() function declares two variables: a global variable called globalVariable and a local variable called localVariable. We can access both global and local variables inside the myFunction() function when we call it. When attempting to access localVariable outside of the function, a “ReferenceError: localVariable is not defined” error occurs because it is out of scope.



3. Hoisting

The hoisting bug in JavaScript is another reason you can run into this error. The JavaScript engine hoists variable and function declarations, causing them to appear at the top of their respective scopes.

The hoisting bug in JavaScript is another reason for the ReferenceError: Variable Is Not Defined in JavaScript


For example, consider the following code:

let myVariable = "Hello, World!";


Since myVariable is being accessed before its declaration, you might expect this code to throw a Reference error. However, due to hoisting, the declaration let myVariable = “Hello, World!”; is moved to the top of its scope by the JavaScript engine, resulting in the following interpretation of the code:

let myVariable; 
myVariable = "Hello, World!";


So when we try to access myVariable before it’s been declared, it has a value of undefined.

Function declarations are also hoisted in JavaScript. For example, consider the following code:

function myFunction() { 
console.log("Hello, World!"); 


Due to hoisting, the myFunction() declaration is moved to the top of its scope, which means the code is interpreted like this:

function myFunction() { 
console.log("Hello, World!"); 


As a result, we can call myFunction() before it’s been declared without getting the error.

However, it’s important to note that hoisting only applies to variable and function declarations, not variable assignments. For example, consider the following code:

myVariable = "Hello, World!";


In this example, we’re trying to access myVariable before it’s been declared or assigned a value. However, because hoisting only applies to declarations, we’ll get a “ReferenceError: Variable is not defined” error.

To avoid issues with hoisting in your code, it’s best practice to always declare your variables and functions at the top of their respective scopes.



4. Missing Import

Missing imports are another factor that could contribute to the reference problem in JavaScript. You must import any external modules your code depends on into JavaScript before utilizing them if you use a module system like CommonJS or ES6 Modules.

For example, consider the following code:

import { myFunction } from "./myModule.js";



In this instance, the myFunction function is being imported from a different module called myModule.js. We will encounter a ReferenceError while calling myFunction() if myModule.js does not exist or does not export the myFunction function.

Similarly, we’ll get the error if we forget to import a module that our code depends on. For example, consider the following code:

import { myFunction } from "./myModule.js";



In this example, we’re trying to call myOtherFunction(), but we haven’t imported it from any external modules. The error message “ReferenceError: Variable is not defined” will appear.

Before utilizing any external modules your code depends on, ensure you have imported all of them to correct any missing imports. Verify the existence of the modules, then export the variables and functions you intend to utilize. Import and export modules properly using a module system like CommonJS or ES6 Modules.




To fix a ReferenceError in JavaScript, you can either understand the reasons behind it or be careful of how you write your code, as encountering a ReferenceError is a common occurrence. Correcting variable types, understanding variable scope, hoisting, and ensuring that all imports are present are some ways to fix these errors.

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