Most C++ program developers need help while dealing with binary expressions; they didn’t fulfill the requirement of the binary operator and faced the exception of “invalid operands to the binary expression.” If you want to fix this error, you must read this article until the end 🔍.
We might get this error when we compare two objects of the same class or compare an object with the primitive data type. Sometimes we get this error when we need help us understanding the operator’s requirement. If you find these terms complicated, read the article till the end to figure out erroneous lines in your code.
Before directly jumping into the operands, first understand the concept of binary expression.
Table of Contents
What is a Binary Expression?
Binary means two, so binary expression means an operator with two operands. e.g., +, –, % or we can also say an expression with a binary operator and two operands.
Reasons for the “Invalid Operands to Binary Expression” Error in C++
When we don’t provide a valid operand to a binary expression, we face invalid operands to binary expression in c++. Following are cases where we find this error:
- Using inappropriate data type with the modulus operator
- Using unsuitable operands with comparison operators
Now let’s see the detail and solution of both the reasons for invalid operands to binary expression.
Reason 1: Using Inappropriate Data Type with the Modulus Operator
One of the most commonly used binary operators is the modulus. We used the modulus (Reminder) operator in C++ to find reminders after dividing a number by another. A % sign denotes it. A modulus operator is used to find a reminder of the division of two integer values; if we divide two double or float values, then it will cause an error invalid operands to binary expression.
Now let’s see an example to understand when invalid operands to binary expression error will occur:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
float a=20.5;
float result= a % 3.0;
cout<< "Result is:" << result;
return 0;
As in the definition mentioned above, we can use reminders(%) with the whole numbers, not with real numbers, so to avoid this error, we have to use int datatype or use integer value with modulus. We can also cast float or double data type into int and then use the modulus operator.
Now let’s see the solution to the above example:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
float a=20.5;
// Here, we type cast float into an int, then use the modulus operator
int result= (int) a % (int) 3.0;
cout<< "The Result is:" << result;
return 0;
The result is: 2
Due to type caste, we have a=20 now, so with the help of the remainder operator, we get 2 answers. We can also use the built-in round function to round our float value into an integer.
Reason 2: Using Unsuitable Operands with Comparing Operators
Most of the time, we face this error when comparing two different operads. For example, when we compare any primitive datatype with a class object or try to compare two class objects.
Now understand this concept with the help of an example:
// Example of comparing operators
#include <iostream>
class student {
int Roll_number;
int main()
// Declare an object of class student
student stu;
// Declare and initialize an integer variable
int rollno = 4;
//Compare rollno with the object of student class
if (rollno == stu){
std::cout<<"Roll Numbers are same!";
std::cout<<" Roll Numbers are different!";
return 0;
In this situation, we compare the value of the integer variable with the object of the class, so it generates a problem; to get rid of it, we have two options compare two variables or operator overloading of the required comparison operator. Now quickly go through the solution to this problem:
// Example of comparing operators
#include <iostream>
class student {
int Roll_number;
int main()
// Declare an object of class student
student stu;
// Declare and initialize an integer variable
int rollno = 4;
//Compare rollno with the Roll_number of student class
if (rollno == stu.Roll_number){
std::cout<<"Roll Numbers are same!";
std::cout<<" Roll Numbers are different!";
return 0;
Roll Numbers are different!
If we want to compare two objects of the same class, then we can do this with the help of operator overloading. In c++, operator overloading allows the same operator to be used for multiple operations. In the following example, we overload an equal to the operator(==) to explain the working of operator overloading:
// Example of comparing operators
#include <iostream>
class student {
int Roll_number;
// operator overloading
static bool operator==(const student& o1, const student& o2)
return o1.Roll_number == o2.Roll_number;
int main()
// Declare an object of class student
student stu1;
student stu2;
//Compare both objects of student class
if (stu1 == stu2){
std::cout<<"Roll Numbers are the same!";
std::cout<<" Roll Numbers are different!";
return 0;
Roll Numbers are the same!
Other Solutions to the “Invalid Operands to Binary Expression” Error in C++
Here are some other solutions you can follow to fix this error:
Check the operand types. Make sure that you are using the correct operand types for the operator you are trying to use. For example, if you are trying to use the addition operator (+), the operands should both be numerical types (e.g. int, float, double).
Use type casting. If you need to use an operator with operands of different types, you can try type casting one of the operands to the appropriate type. For example, if you are trying to add an int and a float, you can type cast the int to a float like this: (float)num1 + num2.
Check for syntax errors. Make sure that you have written the operator and operands correctly. A common mistake is using the assignment operator (=) instead of the equality operator (==).
Check for logic errors. Make sure that the logic of your code is correct. For example, if you are trying to divide a number by zero, you will get an error.
Use a C++ compiler. If you are having trouble with your code, you can try using a C++ compiler to check for errors. A compiler will go through your code and identify any issues, such as syntax errors or logic errors. Some popular C++ compilers include GCC, Clang, and Visual C++.
Check for missing headers or libraries. Make sure you have included all necessary headers and libraries in your code. If you are using a function or data type that is not recognized, it could be because the necessary header or library is not included.
Check for uninitialized variables. Make sure you have initialized all variables before using them. If you try to use an uninitialized variable, you will get an error.
By following these steps, you should be able to fix the “invalid operands to binary expression” error in C++. If you are still having trouble, you may want to try debugging your code or seeking help from a tutor or mentor. Remember to always double-check your code and pay attention to the types of operands you are using with operators.
The article concludes that it is common for invalid operands to binary expression errors to pop up when dealing with binary operators. We must always be careful when using operands with modulus operators or comparison operators.
Furthermore, we discussed all the possible ways when this error popup and how we can fix it. Furthermore, we discussed operator overloading and type casting.
Here is a quick recap of the topics we have covered in this article.
- What is binary Expression?
- Using inappropriate variable datatype with the modulus operator.
- How to fix errors due to the wrong operand data type?
- Error due to comparing unsuitable objects.
- How to compare objects with variables or objects?
If you’ve found this writing helpful, don’t forget to share and comment below on which solutions have helped you crack your problem.