How to Fix the Pipenv Command Not Found Error?

How to Fix "Pipenv Command Not Found" in Python?

Do you want to know about pipenv command and how to fix the “pipenv command not found” error? 🤔

Pipenv is an increasingly popular tool for managing Python projects and their dependencies. Unfortunately, it can sometimes be tricky to get pipenv working correctly, with errors related to “command not found” being particularly common. 

This article will explain how to troubleshoot and fix the pipenv command not found errors so you can get back to the vital work of coding. First, we’ll walk through how to check if pipenv is installed, upgrade pipenv to the latest version, and install pipenv if it is not already on your system. Finally, we’ll review other possible causes of the “command not found” error.

So without further ado, let’s dive deep into the topic and see some real examples! 



What is the Purpose of the Pipenv Command?

Pipenv is a command-line tool that helps developers manage Python application dependencies and virtual environments. It combines two popular tools, Pip and Virtualenv, allowing developers to create and manage isolated Python environments easily. Pipenv provides a user-friendly interface for managing project dependencies while also providing a way to create and manage virtual environments automatically. 

It also allows developers to easily switch between different versions of a package, allowing them to test different versions of a project and ensure that their applications are compatible with different versions of the same package. 



The syntax of the pipenv command is as follows: 

pipenv [options] [command] [packages]



-h, —help – Show this help message and exit

-v, —verbose – Turn on verbose mode 

-d, —delete – Delete the virtual environment and all associated files 

-r, —requirements – Install packages from the specified requirements file

-s, —site-packages – Allow access to packages in the global site-packages 

-p, —python – Specify which Python interpreter to use 



install – Install packages from Pipfile 

uninstall – Uninstall packages 

lock – Generate a lock file of the currently installed packages 

run – Run a command in the context of the virtual environment 

shell – Spawn a shell within the virtual environment 

check – Check for security vulnerabilities and other issues 



A list of packages to install or uninstall.


Pipenv is a command-line tool that manages packages and virtual environments for Python projects. This command is used to install, uninstall, and manage packages and virtual environments for Python projects.



How to Fix the “Pipenv Command Not Found” Error?

The Fixing pipenv Command Not Found error occurs when attempting to run the command ‘pipenv’ on the command line, and the system cannot find a command of this name. The following are possible solutions.

  1. Install pipenv
  2. Check the path
  3. Update path
  4. Reinstall pipenv
  5. Check Your Version of Python


Method 1: Install pipenv

The first potential solution is to install pipenv on the computer. If pipenv is not installed, the user can download and install it from the official Python website.



pip install pipenv

pipenv shell 

pipenv install <package_name>


Pip install command will install the pipenv package, a package manager for Python. pipenv shell command creates a new virtual environment and enters it. Finally, the last command will install the specified package within the virtual environment. This ensures that this will prevent conflicts between packages.



Method 2: Check The Path

The user can also check the Path variable to ensure that the path to pipenv is correctly configured. The Path variable is a list of directories that the computer searches for executable files. If the path to pipenv is not included in the Path variable, the computer will not be able to find the pipenv command. The user can add the path to the Path variable and then try using the pipenv command again.



import os

cwd = os.getcwd()

if 'pipenv' in cwd:

print("Pipenv command is present in current working directory")


path = os.environ['PATH']

if 'pipenv' in path:

print("The Pipenv command is present in the Path environment variable")


print("Pipenv command not found and adding path to it ")

os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] + ';' + 'path/to/directory/containing/pipenv/ command'



The Pipenv command is present in the Path environment variable.


This code checks to see if the pipenv command is present in the current working directory; if not, it checks the Path environment variable to see if the pipenv command is present. Suppose the pipenv command is not present in the current working directory or the Path environment variable. In that case, it adds the directory path containing the pipenv command to the path environment variable.



Method 3: Update Path

Once you know what directories are included in your Path, you can add or remove the paths you want. To update your Path, use the export command in your terminal.



import os 

variable os.environ['PATH'] += ':/path/to/pipenv' # Verify that the new path is set 


Print(“A new updated path is set, solving the problem.”)



A new updated path is set, solving the problem.


This code adds the path of the pipenv to the Path environment variable. The os.environ[‘PATH’] command is used to access the PATH environment variable and add the path of the pipenv to it. Then the modified Path environment variable is printed out with the print() command to verify that the new path has been set.



Method 4: Reinstall Pipenv

If none of the above solutions work, the user can try reinstalling pipenv. First, the user should uninstall pipenv and then reinstall it. Once pipenv is reinstalled, the user should be able to use the command without issue.



import pip 

pip uninstall pipenv

pip install pipenv

pipenv shell 

pipenv install <package_name>

print(“pipenv reinstalled”)



pipenv reinstalled


Import pip statement imports the Python package management system, pip, which allows users to install and manage packages written in Python. Then uninstalls pipenv, a package management system for Python projects. Then we install the pipenv package management system for Python projects. pipenv shell creates a virtual environment (or shell) for a Python project. pipenv install <package_name> installs the specified package into the virtual environment. This allows users to install packages and versions specific to the project without affecting packages and versions in other projects.



Method 5: Check Your Version of Python

Pipenv is compatible with Python version 3.5 and higher. If you are using an older version of Python, then you may need to upgrade to use Pipenv. To check your version of Python, simply type python –version in your terminal.



import platform

 print('Python version: ' + platform.python_version())

 import pip 

pip.main(['install', '--upgrade', 'pip'])

print(“The python version is updated to the latest version and now you can try the pipenv command “)



The python version is updated to the latest version, and now you can try the pipenv command.

The code above imports the platform module. This module provides access to helpful information about the computer’s operating system. It is used to check the version of Python that is currently running, and then it updates to the latest version using the pip module. The platform.python_version() function prints the current Python version. The pip.main() function is then used to install the latest version of pip, which will, in turn, update the Python version.




By following the steps outlined in this article, you should now be able to fix the pipenv command not found error. Always check for the latest version of pipenv and ensure that it is installed correctly. Finally, make sure to use the correct command to run pipenv so it can be used correctly. With these steps, you should now be able to use pipenv without any issues.

Let’s have a quick recap of the topics discussed in this article.

  1. What is the Purpose of the Pipenv Command?
  2. Why does the Pipenv Command not Found?
  3. Install Pipenv
  4. Check the Path
  5. Update Your PATH
  6. Reinstall Pipenv
  7. Check Your Version of Python

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