How to Fix “AttributeError: ‘Series’ Object Has No Attribute ‘Reshape'” in Python?

AttributeError 'series' object has no attribute 'reshape'

 Are you facing the “AttributeError: ‘series’ object has no attribute ‘reshape'” error while reshaping your pandas series?

Pandas series in Python is a one-dimensional (1-D) labeled array capable of holding any type of data. It is similar to a column in Excel or Google Sheets, but the Pandas series is more functional. We customize it according to our needs.

In this article, we’ll discuss the “AttributeError: ‘series’ object has no attribute ‘reshape’” error and how to fix it, along with a practical example. So let’s dive deep into the topic and get started 😎 but first, let’s learn how to create a series in Python.

For more information about what is an AttributeError, and the general fixes to tackle the error, you may refer to our other guide here.



How to Create a Series in Python?

In Python, a series is a one-dimensional (1-D) labeled array capable of holding any type of data like string, int, Python objects, float, etc. It’s similar to a column in Excel or Sheets; let’s see an example of a series in Python:



# import libraries

import pandas as pd

# ceate a series

arr = pd.Series([12, 32, 52, -15, 122, 54])

print(f"******* Series *******\n{arr}")

# print the values of the series

print('\nValues in this Array : ',arr.values)



******* Series *******

0 12

1 32

2 52

3 -15

4 122

5 54

dtype: int64

Values in this Array : [ 12 32 52 -15 122 54]


What is the Attribute Error: ‘Series’ Object Has No Attribute ‘Reshape’ Error?

The AttributeError: ‘series’ object has no attribute ‘reshape’ occurs when the series object does not support the reshape(). 

The shape of an array means the number of elements of each dimension in Python. And the reshape() function is used to reshape a given array in different valid dimensions. The reshape function expects different paraments as dimensions to reshape the array. It belongs to the numpy.array class.


The syntax of the reshape() function:

reshape( num_of_columns, num_of_rows)



# import numpy

import numpy as np

# crearte a numpy array 

arr = np.array([11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22])

# reshape the 1-D array into 3 columns and 4 rows

newarr = arr.reshape(4, 3)




[[11 12 13]

 [14 15 16]

 [17 18 19]

 [20 21 22]]


Perfect! Now let’s try and reshape a pandas series.



# import libraries

import pandas as pd

# ceate a series

arr = pd.Series([12, 32, 52, -15, 122, 54])

# reshpae the sereis into two cols and three rows

reshape_arr = arr.reshape(2,3)




fix AttributeError: 'series' object has no attribute 'reshape'


We are getting the AttributeError: ‘series’ object has no attribute ‘reshape’ because the series object does not support the reshape() function.



How to Fix the Attribute Error: ‘Series’ Object Has No Attribute ‘Reshape’ in Python?

To fix the AttributeError series object that has no attribute, we can either convert the series into an array and then reshape it or simply get the values of the given array and reshape it. Because straight away, the series object does not support the reshape() function.



# import pandas library

import pandas as pd


# make an array

array = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]


# create a series

series_obj = pd.Series(array)


# convert the series object simple array

arr = series_obj.values

# convert the series object into a numpay array

arr2 = series_obj.to_numpy()


# reshaping series 

reshaped_arr = arr.reshape((3, 2))

reshaped_arr2 = arr2.reshape((2, 3))


# display the arrays





[[ 2 4]

 [ 6 8]

 [10 12]] 

[[ 2 4 6]

 [ 8 10 12]]




To conclude this article on how to fix the AttributeError: ‘series’ object has no attribute ‘reshape’” error in Python, we have discussed what a series is in Python and why we get this particular error. 

Furthermore, we discussed how to reshape an array and a series with the help of reshape() function.

For more information about what is an AttributeError, and the general fixes to tackle the error, you may refer to our other guide here.

Let’s have a quick recap of the topics discussed in this article.

  1. What is a series in Python?
  2. What is the “AttributeError: ‘series’ object has no attribute ‘reshape’” in Python?
  3. How to reshape an array?
  4. How to fix the “AttributeError: ‘series’ object has no attribute ‘reshape’” in Python?

A quick question for you can we reshape a two-dimensional array?


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